
Read this powerful observation from a BCCS teacher:

Your children are amazing, and I praise God for how he has gifted each one. I am grateful for the variety in this class, the smiles, sense of humor, the listeners (really appreciate those), and I appreciate those that do little things to help others without anyone noticing. Today during lunch a saw another student invite another student to sit by them while they ate. I had another student that cleaned up and organized all the tables after lunch without me asking them to do that. I had some students help put up chairs after school because we were let out late. There was a student that took time to explain the assignment to another student or help talk through the experiment we were doing. Those students didn't do that because I told him, they just did it. I have glimpses of God each day in the lives of your children, and that makes this job such a blessing. With that said, I see the temptation to say or do things that do not please the Lord. So I ask for prayers for our students to resist the temptation to say unkind words, or do something to just bother another student.

Challenge for this week: Ask your child what is something kind they did or said to someone else this week? Was there a time this week you kept a classmate in check and reminded them to use kind words and actions (or stop what you are saying or doing)? We can all work at holding each other accountable. Proverbs 27:17 " As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.