Second Grade Staff

Miss Jordyn Edwards

Second Grade Teacher

(616) 878-3347, ext. 228 

God is good! I am so grateful He has given me the opportunity to teach at Byron Center Christian School. I first came to BCCS as a student teacher in January of 2019. From day one, I felt welcomed into this school community by the teachers, staff, and families. I feel truly blessed to now be on staff here at BCCS. 

What an awesome privilege it is to be a part of a school family that is so intentionally seeking the Lord! Learning comes alive when we see it through the lens of God’s big Story and how we are part of it. I have the incredible opportunity to invite our students into His Story each and every day! My deep hope for our students is that they would marvel at our Creator, serve Him joyfully and use their God-given gifts to be shining lights in this world. 

I graduated from Cornerstone University in May of 2019. I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education, with a major in language arts and a minor in mathematics. When I am not teaching, I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy adventuring outdoors and taking every opportunity I can to travel.

These past few years have been full of change. Through it all, I have seen the sovereign and loving hand of God guiding me through each step of the journey. One of my favorite verses throughout this season of life has been Romans 12:12, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” No matter the season of life we are in, God is in control. 

My Deep Hope for my students is that they would marvel at our Creator, serve Him joyfully, and use their God-given gifts to be shining lights in His Story. 

Mrs. Lisa Kooyer

Second Grade Teacher

(616) 878-3347  ext. 225


I am so blessed to be a teacher at Byron Center Christian School! I began teaching at BCCS in 2001, and I quickly fell in love with the BCCS community. My husband, Paul, and I moved to Byron Center so that our kids could attend BCCS and we are glad to be part of this school family. We have three children, Anne, Grace and Luke.

I graduated from Hope College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education, with a major in Language Arts and a minor in Spanish. In my years at BCCS, I have taught Kindergarten, 1st, 1st/2nd, and now 2nd grade. When I am not at school I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love running, reading, hiking, and enjoying God’s creation.

Being a teacher can be a whole lot of fun and is also a huge responsibility. I enjoy getting to know my students, creating a safe classroom community, teaching new concepts and watching kids learn and grow. But the most important part of my job as a Christian school teacher is sharing God’s story with students. My deep hope is that my students discover their unique abilities and use them to Star in God’s Story! Near the end of second grade, kids write God’s wonderful rescue story in their own words, and they include details for creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. These writings always bring tears to my eyes as I see evidence that my students are beginning to understand God’s story and their place in it.

One of my favorite verses, and one that we memorize in second grade, is Romans 8:37-39, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

My Deep Hope is that my students discover their unique abilities and use them to star in God’s story.

Mrs. Judi VanSolkema

Second Grade Teacher

(616) 878-3347 ext. 101

I am so excited to be on staff here at BCCS. I love that each and every day I have the opportunity to share my love for Jesus with His covenant children and guide them in the ways He would have them grow His Kingdom.

I obtained my teaching degree from Calvin University. I taught first and second grade at Jenison Christian, Grand Haven Christian, and Byron Center Christian before taking several years off to raise our family. I spent a few years subbing and teacher assisting in various grades at BCCS and then felt God leading me back into full-time teaching in 2018. I taught 2nd grade for two years, preschool for two years, and now 2nd grade once again!

I am married to Dan and we have been blessed with four daughters, Elizabeth, Kate, Sara, and Krysten.  I enjoy vacationing with my family, spending time at the cottage, attending various sporting events, and doing yard work.

Favorite Verse:  "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Philippians 4:8

My Deep Hope is that my students know Jesus personally, grow in their unique part of His story, and show His love to others.