Uniquely Created

The following is a note from one of our teachers that was shared with her parents. It provides some great perspective to think about!

I often talk to the class before I pass back tests or assignments about comparing what each other received as a grade. We discuss how we compare grades, clothes, looks, and talents. We often feel like we never measure up. We won't because God made us all different with different abilities, backgrounds, and stories. I don't want a class of all the same students. God didn't want a world with all the same people. How do we stop comparing and be content with who God created us to be? Even parents (I know cause I'm one) worry we are not measuring up as a parent. We worry about what our kids look like, act like, what their projects might turn out like if I let them do it all themselves (let them do it themselves-kids and teachers know when kids get help), should my child be in this activity or not, is everyone else doing lessons maybe my child should be too? How are we as parents with comparing ourselves to other parents?  We do not need to do what other families are doing because each family is different, and have different gifts and stories as well. Our family story is different from any other family and that is okay. God is using each of our families differently to carry out his master plan. Easy to say, but harder to actually do.

Take some time to talk with your family this week and discuss how we compare ourselves to others.  Make a list of 5 amazing ways God has blessed your family with certain gifts and talents. Feel free to tell each family member what they are good at, or what unique qualities they possess. We always look at our negatives… let’s find the positives in each other and work on seeing the wonderful ways God has created us!

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