Good Samaritan Project

Each year, our 8th grade students conclude their time at Byron Center Christian School by completing the Good Samaritan project. The project is part of their geography class and has a variety of components that requires them to use skills acquired while in school. While the project itself is large, in short, each student is given the freedom to identify and research a need (either in our immediate community or outside it) and then find a way they can help meet it. The unique aspect this year is that students worked on this project during COVID-19. Even not being in school could stop work from being done!

The reason this project is so important is that we want students that leave BCCS to not only be able to identify needs or problems in their community, but also be willing to be a part of the solution. The results range depending on the student. Some mow lawns for elderly neighbors, some babysit, some pray for community members, some sell products and donate proceeds to a church or local food bank, others collect needed materials for charitable organizations in other countries or provide Bibles to those that do not have access to them. 

It is amazing to see how God works through these projects. Our prayer is that He would be glorified through the work of each 8th grade class!

Take a look at the slides below to see some of the ways God is working. These are just a few of a wide variety of projects, but it is awesome to see the unique ways 8th graders decided to serve!