Unique Abilities

Every classroom teacher at BCCS formulates a deep hope for their students, designed to convey what they most desire for their students. 

A few examples include: “My deep hope is that each child would know God’s lavish love for them in Jesus, and would spread that love to others using the unique gifts God has given them.” Another reads, “My deep hope for my students is that they would marvel at our Creator, serve Him joyfully, and use their God given gifts to be shining lights in this world.” Yet another teacher shares, “My deep hope for my students is that they will begin to understand God's deep love for them and be inspired to learn about God’s world and their place in His story.”  

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In a 2nd grade classroom, one hope reads, “Our deep hope is that our students discover their role in God’s wonderful rescue story and use their unique abilities to be joyful workers in His world.”

A key element of that hope mentions unique abilities, which refers to talents and skills God has given each of us. In order for students to gain an understanding of their own abilities, teachers designed a project where they created a visual showing segments of the brain.Students filled in the sections with their unique abilities. It helped show students that while we are all part of one community, God has created us all in a unique way in order to grow His kingdom. 

After the projects, teachers challenged students. “Now that you’ve identified your unique abilities, how do you use them to impact our world for God?” If God has given us these gifts, He has also asked us to use them. Kids brainstormed a wide range of ideas. Some students were writers, so they wrote Get Well cards for a neighbor. Other students were good friends, so they watched for others on the playground that may be lonely. Still others used their math minds to explain difficult concepts to struggling learners.

Every child at BCCS is unique, and they all have many abilities. Our job is to help them discover those gifts and also provide opportunities to use them! 

Tackling the Technology Challenge

Now that laptops, tablets, and cell phones are being more prevalently used in today’s households, it is a good idea to look at parent controls for your home. Protect Young Eyes is a great resource for parents as they help families stay safe online. A 2020 post on the best parental control software shares vital insight in that “intentional, curious, consistent, caring conversations about everything, including technology, are the most effective parental controls you could ever use.” Parent involvement is the key to internet safety.

However, they also review and suggest many great parental controls for the home. Their highest-rated software was Bark, but they provide other suggestions as well. You can read the full review here.

Parents, Protect Young Eyes can be a great resource for online safety at home. Their website has many helpful tips on a variety of content areas. Please note that it also covers very real content as it relates to online safety. Check out their site for some helpful ideas or insight on specific websites/social media apps!


Purposeful Education

The following article written by Matthew H. Lee (Director of Research at ACSI) provides great perspective and insight on the importance of Christian education. A vital point he shares is below:

“In a flattened world in which all views are presented indifferently as equal alternatives, a student is disarmed and totally unable to render judgments between worldviews. In contrast, a Christian student can be armed by the Word of God, with which a student is “complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).”

It is a great reminder for us to ensure students are receiving an excellent education, but more importantly, that they are equipped to do God’s good work!

Read the full article, More Than (Test Score) Conquerors here!


Following God's Leading

One morning this past December, our second graders went caroling at our early education campus as part of music class. On their return to school, they decided to stop and sing at a neighbor’s house that a teacher knew from church. Unknown to students or staff, she had just received a difficult medical diagnosis that morning and was touched by the presence and singing of the second graders.

After later learning of the diagnosis, teachers and students discussed what they could do to be community builders and support this school neighbor. Students decided letters of encouragement would be helpful and they wanted to start working immediately. They grabbed supplies, looked up Bible verses they thought would be encouraging, and dove in, taking ownership of the work! After their first trip, the students also learned that this neighbor’s favorite song is “Trust and Obey.” They are currently learning this hymn in music and plan to return and bless this neighbor once again. 

The best part of this experience is that the original plan was to carol at the early education campus. The music curriculum calls for second-grade students to learn singing, and the teachers thought caroling would be a great experience for students because it provides a real audience for the gift of music. Thankfully, God had a far bigger plan as the singing and letters that followed very much impacted this neighbor. What started as a simple music lesson turned into true formational learning. What we thought was a random stop on the way back to school, God used to bless one of His children that needed to feel His presence. 

Our hope and prayer is that our students learn and grow, but more importantly, are open to how God leads and will let God use them for furthering His kingdom!


Learning in Action!

How cool is it when you receive a letter from a United States senator or Michigan state representative!?!

Mr. DeBlecourt’s 7th grade social studies classes are currently studying the history of our government, its branches, and the Constitution. The work includes a variety of learning activities, including simulations where students themselves play the roles of various government officials. As a Christian school, we also want students to both seek the truth in all situations and show God’s love. In order to take their understanding deeper and challenge his learners, Mr. DeBlecourt had them write letters of encouragement to various school, community, state, and national leaders.

The goal of the project was for students to engage in the current political environment in a positive and encouraging way. However, with so many struggles in our country, students were also challenged to ask our leaders to provide truth to their constituents in order to be effective in their respective roles.

Along with local and school contacts, letters were written to officials from both political parties and across various levels of government. The class was excited to receive a response from Senator Debbie Stabenow and State Representative Tommy Brann as it showed their work had an impact.

Learning about the history and government of our country is important, but more importantly, we want our students to use what they learn to be active citizens and ones that seek truth, respect others, and always be willing to serve as Christ did.

The pictures below are of the student work and the responses received. We look forward to hearing from other area leaders! Great work, 7th grade!

Formational Learning

One of the primary units in 4th-grade social studies is economics, which introduces 4th-grade learners to aspects of business, government, finances, and more. The academic learning in this unit covers areas such as supply and demand, interest, personal budgeting, and other economic concepts.

At Byron Center Christian School (BCCS), we understand how critical this unit is for our students. In order to ensure they actually grasp the concepts being taught, our 4th-grade teaching team has implemented a year-long simulation. Rather than only using traditional instruction, notes, and a series of quizzes, students are provided the opportunity to start their own business. Teachers open a marketplace and students get to buy and sell goods from their classmates. Other aspects of the project include working on budgets, classroom jobs, renting vs. buying, earning interest on earnings, experiencing the effects of taxes on their income, and much more. Miss Splawn shares, “Market day is one of the best days! The kids are so invested in it. They have to make careful decisions about what to sell, how to price their products to meet demand, and what to spend their hard-earned money on!”

More important than learning the concepts of supply and demand or the way interest accumulates is that students gain a Biblical understanding of money. Miss Oetman shared, “One of the aspects we focus on is tithing. We discuss how all our blessings come from God, and on Fridays we celebrate what God has given us by giving 10% back to Him. It has been so humbling to see students take this to heart and even give more than 10%.” 

This project is a great example of the excellent education at BCCS and how we help students be prepared for real-life application of the concepts they have been taught. In this case, we want our students to know economics and money management, and to be able to use those things in a Godly way, because all that we have belongs to the Lord. Our hope and prayer is that these types of formative experiences allow for lasting learning and lead to God-honoring decisions from our students for years to come. 

New Junior Kindergarten Programs


One year after a successful launch of our full-day preschool program, we are excited to announce a full-day junior kindergarten program at Byron Center Christian School (BCCS), which is in addition to our current half-day class offering!

Junior kindergarten is a unique class designed for students not yet ready (or of age) for kindergarten. The class focuses on whole child development, with specific emphasis on fostering confidence and independence in young learners. Daily routines will blend aspects of preschool learning (play-based activities, centers, and hands-on learning) and kindergarten learning (specific writing skill development, math concepts, and co-curricular activities). Teachers will use a variety of instructional strategies in order to ensure all types of learners can be successful. The full-day class will also include lunch, rest time, specials classes, and lots of time outdoors. Outside the classroom, students will utilize active-play opportunities, our full gymnasium, our early education library, and the computer lab.

As in every grade at BCCS, faith will form the foundation of all instruction as teachers help students discover the unique gifts God has given them, and provide learning experiences that ensure lasting impact and opportunities for serving. 
If you are interested in learning more about this new program (or any of the offerings here at BCCS), we are still offering personal campus tours. Visit www.bccs.org/junior-kindergarten or call us today at 878-3347 before classes fill!

Note From the Administrator

Every morning the BCCS middle school hall is filled with music as students participate in devotions and worship to begin their day. This is really no different than any other year in the way the school day starts – in God’s Word, in worship and in prayer. Every Thursday morning our elementary classrooms and hallways are filled with praise as music flows through the corridors for worship time together. Exalting our God and finding His handiwork in all that we learn and teach has never stopped.

Christian school leadership

Although our 103rd and 104th year of service to the Byron Center community have been filled with the unexpected, we continue to see God’s faithfulness. We have been able to fulfill our mission of providing academic excellence, rooted in God’s Word, all to prepare our children for lifelong service.

When school, church, work, and so many other things were taken away (in the traditional sense) at the outset of the pandemic, we had the opportunity to simply stop and look to God. All the programs and plans we worked to put in place were no longer available. It was certainly a time, if you chose to do so, to put your trust in God to a greater degree. It was a time where the best intentions and goals we may have had were put on hold. It was a time where many found hope and trust where it always should be found...in Him.

However, the loss of life, the hospitalizations, and the many consequences of battling this virus have been tragic. In our country, we have seen extreme divisiveness and brokenness. People have dug their heels in on many fronts and have begun looking to their own interests. Unreliable information is everywhere and truth has never been considered more relative in society. Both news and social media pander to their audience and far too many of us see things the way we want to see them.

Hence the need for our Christian school and mission. We know where truth is found, and we point our children to it daily. This year we have been blessed to see our students grow in discernment, seek truth and justice, build community, and serve humbly to build His Kingdom. We are grateful for that responsibility and opportunity.


Check out a recent article entitled Pendulums from The Banner, written by our own middle school teacher Clay Lubbers!

I recently heard our worship director talk about pendulums in a children’s sermon, and the energy in a pendulum really got me thinking about God and my faith.

You see, in a pendulum, we see two types of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. At what speed is it moving? Does it have a lot of mass? These are all things that matter with kinetic energy.

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or condition. A rock perched on a cliff has lots of potential energy, as does a spring that is tightly wound.

So a swing (a type of pendulum) simply converts potential energy into kinetic energy. At your highest point while riding a swing, your kinetic energy, for just a fraction of a second, is at zero and your potential energy is maxed out. As you swing back and reach the bottom of the arc, your potential energy is now at zero and your kinetic energy is fully used—and the reverse happens as you rise on the swing again.

I think about our relationships with God and others as swings that should be constantly alternating between kinetic and potential energy. I listen to a sermon or a podcast and it really strikes me. I participate in youth group or Bible study, and I learn something new—a better way to live, or a different way of thinking about Christian love. In those moments, we are gaining potential energy. Our “position” or “condition” is changing. We are growing in knowledge and insight.

But we need to do something with that potential energy. In Micah 6:8, God tells us, “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” In the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Christianity is a faith of action. We are called to do. How do we do that best? When we learn and charge up, when we gain new insight and knowledge, we can take that new potential energy and do something with it. We become kinetic.

Be a swing!