Learning in Action!

How cool is it when you receive a letter from a United States senator or Michigan state representative!?!

Mr. DeBlecourt’s 7th grade social studies classes are currently studying the history of our government, its branches, and the Constitution. The work includes a variety of learning activities, including simulations where students themselves play the roles of various government officials. As a Christian school, we also want students to both seek the truth in all situations and show God’s love. In order to take their understanding deeper and challenge his learners, Mr. DeBlecourt had them write letters of encouragement to various school, community, state, and national leaders.

The goal of the project was for students to engage in the current political environment in a positive and encouraging way. However, with so many struggles in our country, students were also challenged to ask our leaders to provide truth to their constituents in order to be effective in their respective roles.

Along with local and school contacts, letters were written to officials from both political parties and across various levels of government. The class was excited to receive a response from Senator Debbie Stabenow and State Representative Tommy Brann as it showed their work had an impact.

Learning about the history and government of our country is important, but more importantly, we want our students to use what they learn to be active citizens and ones that seek truth, respect others, and always be willing to serve as Christ did.

The pictures below are of the student work and the responses received. We look forward to hearing from other area leaders! Great work, 7th grade!