Note From the Administrator

Every morning the BCCS middle school hall is filled with music as students participate in devotions and worship to begin their day. This is really no different than any other year in the way the school day starts – in God’s Word, in worship and in prayer. Every Thursday morning our elementary classrooms and hallways are filled with praise as music flows through the corridors for worship time together. Exalting our God and finding His handiwork in all that we learn and teach has never stopped.

Christian school leadership

Although our 103rd and 104th year of service to the Byron Center community have been filled with the unexpected, we continue to see God’s faithfulness. We have been able to fulfill our mission of providing academic excellence, rooted in God’s Word, all to prepare our children for lifelong service.

When school, church, work, and so many other things were taken away (in the traditional sense) at the outset of the pandemic, we had the opportunity to simply stop and look to God. All the programs and plans we worked to put in place were no longer available. It was certainly a time, if you chose to do so, to put your trust in God to a greater degree. It was a time where the best intentions and goals we may have had were put on hold. It was a time where many found hope and trust where it always should be Him.

However, the loss of life, the hospitalizations, and the many consequences of battling this virus have been tragic. In our country, we have seen extreme divisiveness and brokenness. People have dug their heels in on many fronts and have begun looking to their own interests. Unreliable information is everywhere and truth has never been considered more relative in society. Both news and social media pander to their audience and far too many of us see things the way we want to see them.

Hence the need for our Christian school and mission. We know where truth is found, and we point our children to it daily. This year we have been blessed to see our students grow in discernment, seek truth and justice, build community, and serve humbly to build His Kingdom. We are grateful for that responsibility and opportunity.