Book of Miracles

Check out this story a teacher shared with parents from one of our 2dn grade classrooms! This is impactful work and a way teachers work to partner with parents as they now have a role in this project as well! Not only is it important to learn the miracles of the Bible, but it is also essential to encourage those around us!

In Bible, we have been learning about the miracles of Jesus. The kids worked in pairs to write down the miracles that we have studied. We compiled our miracles into a class booklet and decided to give our booklet to people who may need encouragement and a reminder of God’s power. Our class is giving a booklet of miracles to some of the people that we have been praying for (members of the BC community). Each student also came home with a miracle booklet today. I am encouraging the kids to give this booklet to someone in their life who needs a reminder of God’s power. Many kids already have someone in mind. This is where you come in! Please help your child deliver or mail their booklet. I did tell the kids that if they can’t think of someone to give their booklet to now, they can hold onto it. In the coming weeks, they may think of someone who needs encouragement.