As part of the eighth-grade social studies curriculum, students study the civil war and a variety of topics surrounding that time in our nation's history. Mr. Deblecourt guides students as they dig deeply into heavy topics surrounding that time in our nation's history. These serious and important events include government, slavery, the war on more. Specifically, one of the subjects is the Civil War itself and the unfolding of that conflict. Mr. DeBlecourt shares the following:
In my eighth-grade social studies class we learned how both the North and South lacked respect for their soldiers in the ways that they carried out fighting strategies. As a result of their attitudes towards soldiers, our nation experienced the highest death toll in its history. My students recognized the need to show respect to our veterans and service members today for the ways that they live their lives as servants.
Our goal was to go and visit veterans at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. However, due to COVID concerns for the residents in the home, we made an alternate plan. The students decided to design pieces of art that could be displayed in the GRHV along with an artist statement. Before the pieces of art were delivered, the students put on a mini art show in the East Campus Great Hall for the 2nd-5th graders.
This has been an amazing opportunity for the 8th graders to honor veterans, stretch their creative muscles, and share their passion with younger students.