Each Day is a Gift

Psalm 118:24 reads “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

I sang this with my class recently.

It was the end of a busy day and we were getting ready to pray and dismiss. The kids echoed my song, and as we rejoiced together, the music cheered my soul.

Feeling joyful, I began singing, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…” The kids smiled, sang, and clapped along! I thought to myself, “I bet they can handle stomping their feet,” so I began verse 2. That’s when I noticed a scuffle in the back of the class. The singing and stomping continued, while two boys began tugging on a piece of paper, back and forth. “If you’re happy and you know it…”  give it to me!... “then your face will surely show it…” rip!...look what you did!...the song screeched to a halt and two boys were in tears. I headed over to the scene to investigate.

It turns out one of the boys received an invitation, and the other boy did not. He acted out in his hurt, tried to grab the invitation to look at it, and ripped it. As I taped it up, I realized that these little ones are learning life lessons, and it’s hard sometimes. Should I really be that surprised that he reacted impulsively, like a 6-year-old boy?  God placed me here in this classroom to come alongside him, and 21 other 6- and 7-years olds, who are learning life lessons too. I am here to lead and guide them to see their value in the eyes of Christ and to help them make wise choices. I am reminded every day that I am called to more than teaching math and science. I am called to love, to offer grace, to model forgiveness, to nurture kindness and peace. I am called to spread God’s love.

This is a big undertaking, a huge responsibility, and a wonderful privilege! It’s a gift! Each day is an opportunity to meet the children where they are to love them, love & logic them, teach them, and encourage them. 

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Even if my song gets interrupted.

-BCCS Teacher
