Helping Young Learners

Recently, the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE) released an article called “Nurturing the Caterpillar: Ten Characteristics of Young Learners" that described and explained the way young children learn incredibly well. It was written by education consultant Steven Levy.

Listed below are the ten ways from the article, but it is worth reading in its entirety!

  1. Young children find security in rhythm, ritual, and repetition.

  2. Young children learn through play.

  3. Young children want to belong to a community that is safe, beautiful, and good.

  4. Young children explore the world with wonder.

  5. Young children discover the world first through their bodies.

  6. Young children seek independence and mastery.

  7. Young children thrive in the natural world.

  8. Young children use stories to construct meaning.

  9. Young children seek patterns in the world around them.

  10. Young children learn by imitation.

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When we think about helping the whole child succeed, it is so important to understand how they learn and who they are! At BCCS, we know our young learners are uniquely created by God and we have to meet them where they are to ensure each individual child can learn and grow!
