Be Willing

Each school year, our 8th grade theme team has the opportunity to choose our school verse and song. The verse they chose is Psalm 62:1-2, which reads “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” The school song is “Confidence” by Sanctus Real. Students also help select the school theme, which is ‘Be Willing.’

First, the verse is a great starting point for our school year. Students, staff and parents must have God as their focus. He must be or fortress, our foundation and our source of rest. At BCCS, Christ is at the center of everything we do and Psalm 62 is a great reminder of that. 

Second, ‘Be Willing’ is a theme that compels our students to action. Once we have Christ in our hearts, He calls us to act. We desire to help students become willing to learn, to grow, to love, to serve and are willing to find their passions. We want each student to know that they are a unique creation of God and that He as a special plan for each of them. ‘Be Willing’ is a theme that can unify our student body, but also be applicable to each individual student.

We are excited to see how God uses our school (students, staff, parents, and supporters)! In 2019-2020, we know our confidence comes from Christ and we will strive to be willing to serve him each and every day!

private school