Third Grade Pen Pals

All year long, the third graders have been pen pals with a senior friend or relative. It ties in with their writing curriculum and their desire to serve God. The students love getting mail from their pen pals and the senior pen pals often mention how much they appreciate it. 

Recently, the third graders invited their pen pals to a time of worship, fellowship, and making a craft. The afternoon was enjoyed by both the young and not quite as young. Several of the seniors mentioned how much they enjoyed getting the mail, the students’ beautiful singing, and the bonds that were created or strengthened. 

One senior pen pal shared her special story. She explained that her walking mailman would hold up her letter and bring it to the door. She would then show it to him in excitement (they even plan to keep writing after third grade)! 

Not only are the third graders practicing letter-writing skills, but they are also learning how God can use that skill for reaching others as they grow in His kingdom.