From the Desk of Someone

From the Desk of Someone is purposed as a monthly blog post shared by a BCCS staff member. It will include general school information and updates as well as quotes and other thoughts to spark reflection. This writing is to be the first of many! 

February Updates

Winter and spring are busy times here in the hallways of BCCS. School events abound (dances, concerts, Family Fun Night, winter break, 3 on 3 Tournament, parent meetings, and parent-teacher conferences), and we encourage you to attend what you can as we work to intentionally foster community!

Our teachers continue to develop and deepen their Teaching for Transformation practices and grow as we fully adopt the framework for learning. We are on a continual journey as we look to improve the school experience of learners and invite them to discover what their role is in God’s story. 

Enrollment season is upon us and many of our preschool classes have already been filled for next year! We also expect a record kindergarten class when our doors open in the fall of 2023. Please continue to share with your neighbors, church families, and co-workers about this place as we seek to expand the Kingdom work happening here. 

The winter months also allow us to reflect on the support from our parent community. We are blessed with families who serve this school in so many ways, including recess duty, organizing special events, running the school auction, serving on the school board, and supporting classroom teachers. We are grateful for you! 

I will close with a quote for reflection. Nicholas Wolterstorff shared, “It is nothing but a pious wish and a grossly unwarranted hope that students trained to be passive and non-creative in school will suddenly, upon graduation, actively contribute to the formation of Christian culture.” 

Today, consider your own school experience. Was it passive, or were you engaged? Also, reflect on what you desire school to be for your children. What is your hope for them?

I encourage you to review the TfT portion of our website as part of your wondering and learning. 

Andrew Reidsma 

Director of Operations and Family Relationships