8th Grade Retreat

Each fall, our eighth-grade students embark on a two-day trip to Camp Henry. During their time there, students enjoyed the challenges of low ropes courses, took part in the ‘leap of faith,’ the giant swing, and laser tag.  They play in the water, enjoyed the gym and nine square courts, and had campfires at night.  They also spend time in worship and in small group discussions.

The purpose of the retreat is to help our eighth graders identify themselves as children of God. We do this by looking first at who society tells them they are and by looking at the lies that the devil often tells us, including when he mixes lies with the truth. Then teachers talk about who we all are in God's eyes, and how they see students as leaders in our school.  Finally, students look at how they can use that information to have a positive impact on what happens here at BCCS and how to prepare themselves for service outside our four walls.

Building community by having fun and doing crazy middle school things is important, but it is essential that we are also becoming a Christ-centered community focused on serving God and serving others!