The Most Important Game

The following is a reflection on some very important learning our 6th grade students experience as part of their basketball unit in Physical Education (PE): 

This April, my sixth grade PE students engaged in a learning experience by playing a game of basketball against a Forest Hills Special Olympics team. The academic targets for this unit included basic basketball skills, game scoring, and rules. However, the long-term learning target was that students would participate in a way that honors God and shows kindness to all athletes through a cooperative (not competitive) game. Students were invited into this experience by selecting what roles they would like to fill on game day. Players, referees, scoreboard operators, announcers, and fans were all necessary to make this game a success! What started as a unit about a sport turned into a fantastic afternoon of basketball for everyone!

After the real work with real people, I asked the students to do some reflecting. One student wrote, “Even though they have disabilities, they’re still athletes.” Another answered, “No matter what abilities people have they still leave a trace of God wherever they go.” Another student said, “Today I looked up to people that are normally looked down upon.”

These answers were great, but my personal highlight was the celebration of learning we participated in together. After the game, we shared a pizza lunch, and my students grabbed a couple of slices and eagerly joined the new friends to share a meal together. Physical fitness is important, but learning to cooperate and include all people is essential

We are so thankful that in every subject, including PE, students are learning how to find their role in God’s story!