Justice Seeking

In 4th grade social studies, students learn about Human-Environment Interaction. Within this unit, they look at how people interact with each other and the world, specifically focusing on the United States.

In one activity, students explored stories of immigrants, push and pull factors, and challenges that they may face. One challenge teachers talked about is leaving home, packing belongings, and moving to a new place....so they provided students the opportunity to put themselves in someone else's shoes by packing their own suitcases for a day (and taking them everywhere they went).

In further lessons, students learn how America has all different types of people and study how our country has significant cultural diversity. Digging deeper, our students talk about the throughline of justice-seeking and determine that justice is more than just equality or just equity, but it is also offering access to both tools and opportunities.

In social studies, learning about Human-Environment Interaction is important, but it is essential to understand God's call for us to seek justice and seek restoration in all things. We want students to be able to put themselves in someone’s shoes, recognize diversity, and responded as a Christian to the beauty of God’s diversity!