Signs that Encourage

Preschool is a joy-filled, wonderful place. Enter one of our preschool classrooms and you will be greeted with happy children soaking up all kinds of learning and experiences. They learn so much at the ages of three and four!

One of the most important things students will learn in our programs is that Jesus loves them. Teachers share about His love and also the love their family has for them. As the year continues, they challenge students with “Jesus loves you; now, know it and SHOW IT.”  

Teachers work to provide experiences for students to know it and show it. Recently, Michele Vieu connected her class with one of her friends who had a few health struggles this fall. Mrs. Vieu and her class prayed for her and created signs to encourage her. After she recovered, she sent a video thanking the students (which they loved). The students have continued to pray for Mrs. Vieu’s friend. 

This experience deepened their learning during the preschool unit about signs. Students learned how signs help and who works with signs. They learned that symbols and words have meaning and that they can use tools to make signs. More importantly, students learned they can make new friends, they can pray, and they can encourage others. 

A student reflected, “I didn't know Erica, but now I do and I want to pray for her.” Another shared, “I didn’t know I could write my own sign to help someone, but now I did.” Still another said, “I wanted to take it home for my mom but I gave it to Erica because she needs it.

We want to do everything we can to ensure the highest quality learning environment for our preschool students, but also ensure they know how much Jesus loves them and that they can show it!