
To begin their year, third grade welcomed a storyteller. Sue is a community member who writes and tells stories. She shared a compelling story about a boat captain who gave instructions for passengers about the importance of staying in the life rings that were attached to the boat. Gradually, the passengers played and swam farther and farther from the boat. This led one passenger to get lost at sea. As the missing passenger was sinking for what she thought was the last time, she heard the captain calling, “Swim toward my voice. I will not leave until I find you.” The passenger knew that the only way to be saved was to swim to the captain. When the swimmer thought she couldn’t possibly go any farther, she felt the captain’s strong arms reach down and pull her to safety. Students were captivated by the guest storyteller and the symbolic story she delivered.  

This learning experience was an invitation to the third-grade storyline, Be a Storyteller, Tell Your Story. We are called to use our lives and stories to point to God. He will use the stories of our lives to bring His love and hope into the world.
The students later learned that Sue’s friend was very sick with cancer and made cards to encourage her. When Sue came to class to thank them for the cards, she told them that the cards had been a light in a dark place for her friend, and had even brought her smiles and laughs. Sue also shared with her friend a video of the class singing a worship song. This was a blessing to her friend as well. One small act to share God’s love on the part of the class was a bright light for someone else.  

Be a Storyteller, Tell Your Story. This storyline presents our third graders with a beautiful challenge. Take your knowledge, your discoveries, and your personal stories, and share them with the world. Bring Jesus to a world that is craving true love and hope.