Worthwhile, Important, and Essential

In the art of education, teachers structure lessons to accomplish specific student learning, otherwise known as standards. Students should know a standard as a result of a lesson or unit. While standards can help provide a framework for teachers and an overview of the academic concepts students should learn, there are far too many standards (school/district developed, state, and national) to focus on in one year. Imagine the classroom as a boat in the middle of the sea, trying to decide which way to go in a sea of endless standards. Without a clear focus, the classroom becomes a lost ship at sea, or it is pulled in too many directions and never reaches its destination.

In order to establish a direction and ensure an excellent education that is rooted in God’s Word, BCCS teachers take a unique approach to ensure all students are learning. When deciding what to teach, teachers take the 60/60/60 approach to determine which standards are most beneficial for Christian learning.

A skill is worthwhile if students need to remember it for 60 minutes. If the concept needs to be remembered for 60 days, then it is important. Learning is essential if students should remember it for 60 years! This approach helps determine what to teach and how to best use classroom time. BCCS teachers define worthwhile, important, and essential goals in order to provide an excellent and rooted education that is fixed on Christ.

For example, from 5th grade: 

Worthwhile: I can brainstorm and identify important things from my life that would make a good story.

Important: I can retell a story from my own life using proper conventions and detail.

Essential: I can reflect on my own life and understand my part in God's story. 

Or from 8th grade:

Worthwhile: I can understand our bones and skeletal system and understand the purpose of the skeletal system.

Important: I can understand the purposes for which God designed the skeletal system and how to keep it healthy.

Essential: I can understand how life in a fallen world can affect the skeletal system, and I can understand how walking alongside a person (and with God) in difficult times can help heal them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

While there is a lot to learn, we are blessed with a staff focused on ensuring that students have essential faith development and learning on a daily basis.