Early Childhood Education

Preschool is a joy-filled, wonderful place. Each day students come to learn, play, and spend time together. At the ages of three and four, our students are engaged in centers, large group activities, small group work, one-on-one instruction, read aloud time, playing outside, and so much more. Teachers are working to foster whole child growth in order to prepare students for kindergarten. In order to ensure each preschool student is rooted in truth, teachers begin the year by sharing the message “Jesus loves you!”

The phrase “Jesus loves you” is so simple, yet so foundational. This is also arguably the most important thing preschool students will learn all year. Teachers share it daily in their lessons and discussions, and they have this phrase displayed in their classrooms and hallways. During the year, teachers will walk through the story of Jesus and what that means for us today. If our preschool students learn nothing else, they will know that Jesus loves them!

Our preschoolers are called to be like Jesus and bring beauty into our world. We want our students to know that they can be beauty creators. In each class, students take time to paint a unique picture that they then describe to their teachers. This exercise helps develop curious thinking and courageous designing, skills we desire all students to have. The pictures below show some of their work that adorns the hallways of the preschool campus as a visual reminder that God made them to create beautifully. 

Even at age three and four, our preschool students are learning who God created them to be!