Spreading God's Love

First grade always begins the year with an important Bible memory verse from 1 John 3:1, which reads, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

In order to illustrate the word "lavish" and ensure learning at a deeper level, teachers bring in some homemade strawberry jam. Mrs. Wilson shares:

It is so delicious that I lavish it onto a piece of bread and continue to take bites in front of the kids, talking about how yummy it is, and letting it drip onto my plate. Of course, they want to try some too, and it is so good that I can't keep it just for myself. Everyone gets to try a piece of bread lavished with homemade jam.

The essential lesson is that God lavishes His love on His children. He doesn't hold back! His love overflows and He spreads it out generously. Once we receive this love, what can we do in response? We spread it to others because it is too good to keep just for ourselves!

Teachers brainstorm with students ways to spread God’s love in day-to-day living: holding the door open for others, praying for each other, hugging our moms, making cards for friends who are sick, and making short video greetings for those who have been sick. As the year continues, they will connect more learning with the actions of spreading love to others. The hope is that students are inspired to do things on their own. Ultimately, students find that spreading God's love creates joy for both the giver and the receiver!

Mrs. Wilson’s deep hope is that the children will always remember Jesus' lavish love for them, and that they will spread His love as they learn and grow. Teachers pray that this messy, yummy treat will "stick" with each child, reminding them of God's sweet and lavish love.