From the Principal's Desk: Merry Christmas

As Christmas quickly approaches, so have the festivities celebrating Jesus’ birth at BCCS. Several programs and chapels have led our students and families closer to the celebration of our Savior’s birth.  Our Christmas celebrations at school will end this week but will continue in your churches and with family and friends. With the advent themes of hope, peace, joy and love, we are blessed to be able to celebrate the most wonderful gift we were given.

Each day is a gift, as is each day we share God’s love with your children. However, the Christmas season provides a wonderful opportunity to guide our students’ hearts toward the true gift of Christmas. We are blessed to have students eager to share in this love at BCCS.

As we reflect this advent season, it is easy to get caught up in the Christmas celebrations, but let us not lose sight of how our God became man and was born in a manger. The image of Christ, the Prince of peace and King of kings, being born as a baby in such humble surroundings, is a beautiful reminder of His love.

I pray you and your family might find peace, hope, joy and love throughout the remainder of the Christmas season. 

Merry Christmas!

James Onderlinde